#75 Magnificat with Rosemary Geiger

Rosemary Geiger, joined Jennie as a guest on the Catholic Moms in the Middle podcast. She shared about her involvement in a ministry called Magnificat. Magnificat is a ministry for women that offers encouragement and support through the Holy Spirit. Rosemary has been involved in Magnificat for over 30 years. Her first encounter with Magnificat occurred when she attended a meal in San Diego, where she was deeply touched by the personal testimonies of the speaker. As the speaker shared their story Mary had a mystical experience with the Blessed Mother. This inspired her to share her faith which led to her starting her own Magnificat chapter in North San Diego.


Leaving behind her friends and family in California was difficult for Rose Mary, but her spiritual advisor encouraged her to “step out of the boat” and go where God was calling. When Rosemary moved to Nashville, she initially found out that another Magnificat chapter was already being formed. Even though she was disappointed, she immersed herself in her parish's women's ministry and organized events like retreats and prayer breakfasts. During this time, she also discovered another ministry, The Seven Sisters Apostolate, which focuses on praying for priests. Rose Mary jumped into this ministry and has a team of over 400 women praying for the priests around the diocese of Nashville today.


In the show, Rosemary emphasizes the transformative power of the Magnificat Ministry and how it brings women together, providing a sense of community, support, and understanding. The meals include praise and worship, personal testimonies, and hands-on prayer. The ministry encourages women to use their gifts and talents to contribute, whether through prayer, decorating, greeting, or other forms of service.


Rosemary spoke of the impact Magnificat has had on women's lives, including providing hope, healing, and a sense of belonging. The testimonies shared during the meals help women realize they are not alone in their struggles and that others have faced similar challenges. The ministry has also played a role in facilitating conversions and supporting women who have experienced hardships like abortion.


Rosemary highlighted the upcoming Magnificat meal in Nashville, featuring Father Don Calloway and subsequent meals with speakers like Judy Zeldin, Christine Watkins, and Bishop Mark Spaulding. 


Click here to order tickets for the Magnificat Meal in Nashville on August 19th or to learn more about the ministry. 

Jennie is a Catholic Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville Catholic Radio, Speaker and founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26 years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to serve in a new way. In her new ministry as a Catholic Life Coach, she now equips and encourages middle-life moms to reconnect with who they are and their unique God-given purpose so they can embrace midlife with joy and confidence.