Encouraging Catholic Women to Magnify Christ in Their Daily Lives
Retreat Leader
Jennie's popular retreats, Return to the Father and Be the Light encourages women to magnify Christ in their daily lives.
These retreats equip women to return to the Father's embrace through inner healing, to claim their identity as a daughter of the King and to cling to the Sacraments. The participants gain wisdom and insight into their spiritual, mental and emotional life with lessons grounded in life coaching strategies, Scripture and church teachings that they can immediately apply to their lives.
Women leave the retreat feeling refreshed, reinvigorated in the Catholic faith, encouraged for their daily walk and knowing that God loves and desires them.
Women's Conferences
Jennie is an interactive speaker who is comfortable speaking to small or large groups. Jennie shares practical life coaching strategies through the lens of Scripture, church teaching and the lives of the saints.
talks include
- A Mid-Life Encounter at the Well: Inner Healing
- A Journey to Medjugorje: Lessons Learned on Apparition Hill
- The Love of the Father: Your Identity as the Beloved Daughter of God
- Letting Go: How to Navigate your Relationship with Adult Children
Faculty In-Service and Retreats
The full and half day retreats are focused on helping teachers cultivate authentic Catholic connections. These connections are centered on prioritizing their personal faith life, strengthening relationships with their peers, and inspiring them to bring the light of Christ into their interactions with students and parents.
After 26 years in the classroom and in church ministry, Jennie knows the teacher's heart and understands the struggles that educators face each day in and out of the classroom!
*Based on Jennie's presentations for the 2023 and 2022 NCEA Conference and the 2022 MANS (Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools) Conference

GRACE In The Classroom
Be inspired by the life and wisdom of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of the first Catholic Schools in America. This retreat will equip and encourage faculty and staff to be a light of Christ for everyone they encounter in and out of the classroom.
- Meet everyone with charity (even those who are difficult to love).
- Seek Jesus in the Eucharist (be filled with Christ in order to be his reflection in the world).
- Be still in the presence of God (discover the importance of rest and relaxation even for the busiest teachers).
- Discover Joy even in life's difficult moments (learn to identify and process emotions in a healthy way).
- Follow where God leads with open hands and a heart full of grace (embrace God's unique purpose for your life).
Contact Jennie for more information on this half or full day retreat.