Stuck in Overwhelm

Sep 23, 2021

The reason we feel overwhelmed isn’t because of our to-do list, our job, our family or the pile of laundry waiting on us. 

It’s very simple.

It’s because of thoughts like these.

  • have to finish my entire to-do list for it to be a successful day. 
  • I should be able to do it all on my own. 
  • She can take care of her family and excel at her job, so I should be able to do the same. 
  • I have to make sure that everyone (even the difficult people in my life) are happy all of the time. 

These thoughts are actually the root cause of overwhelm.

We set ourselves up for failure by creating unrealistic expectations and using words like “should” and “have to.”


These words are red flags that signal you are placing unrealistic expectations on your time and energy. When you hear yourself say these words, question if they are really true.

You could replace them with these thoughts.

  • I can be successful by finishing what is most urgent on my to-do list. 
  • It is ok to ask for help when needed.
  • I can create my own version of what it means to be successful at home and school.
  • My job is not to make everyone happy. 

When we start the day feeling defeated then it is easy to stay stuck in overwhelm and not get anything accomplished. 

How do you drop overwhelm?

The answer is to simply do ONE thing. Pick the most important or urgent task on your list and start it! Taking action moves you out of "being" in overwhelm to "doing." Once you are "doing" you are moving away from overwhelm towards accomplishment. 

It won’t be easy. You’ll think it isn’t enough or that one thing won’t matter, but it is the most important task. 

When our lives are filled with overwhelm it feels like a rinse and repeat which is not FUN!

It is easy to doubt that our lives can be different. It is often difficult to see through the overwhelm to a life that is filled with peace, success and contentment. At the Catholic Life Coach Academy, you will learn to manage your thoughts, dig deeper into your faith so that you can live a happy, healthy, holy life.

"But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

Your life CAN be different. It is possible to drop the OVERWHELM and discover more joy and peace than you've ever known. 

Go to the Catholic Life Coach Academy to learn more!