The First Step Is The Most Difficult

Jan 16, 2023

I recently came across this quote from Hamilton Holt,

 “Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce half results. It produces no results. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.”  

We live in a world that entices us to think that life should always be easy, that we shouldn’t suffer or feel any discomfort. Many people believe that when the first obstacle appears or when things get tough that something is wrong with them or that the process is wrong.  

What if you thought about it differently? 

What if obstacles and discomfort were the stepping stones to your goals?

Imagine yourself standing on the edge of a cliff looking across the to the other side where you see all of your goals and dreams. The only path to reach those goals and dreams is by stepping off into the unknown below. There you will find huge boulders, scary rocks and painful thorns. You aren’t sure how to reach the other side to claim your goals and dreams without going through the pain and uncertainty of the obstacles below. 

Gandhi tells us that “every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory.

Your goals and dreams are on the other side of the rocks and thorns. Getting to the other side will be hard, you could fall or even fail, you might be uncomfortable and it will require you to dig deep to find lots of strength. As you look towards the other side at your goals and dreams, you might believe it will be impossible to overcome those obstacles to get there.

What do you do?

You have two options.

The first option is to pitch a tent and get comfortable as you stand there looking at the other side. In your tent, you can avoid the scary thorns and rocks that are below. You have a great view of your goals and dreams, but inside the tent you are safe and protected from fear and failure. This is what is known as your comfort zone. 

The second option is to step off the cliff. It doesn’t have to be a giant leap towards your goals and dreams. A tiny step is all that is needed. A step away from your comfort zone into the unknown below.  Tiny steps won’t seem to matter at first, until you look back and realize just how far you’ve come. 

As you look across, you might see your goal of getting healthy. 

How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight? You are convinced that this is the year. You stand at the edge of the cliff on January 1st feeling unhappy, frustrated with our body, tired of feeling sluggish and unworthy. You truly believe that getting to the other side will make everything in your life better. You have thoughts like, "once I am skinny, then I will be happy and life will be so much easier."

As you step into the gap, you might have the enthusiasm to easily overcome obstacles, but then it happens. You lose your motivation, you’d rather eat something else, the results are too slow and you are simply tired of denying yourself. The desire for the food that you've deemed "bad" takes over and you begin to fall back into your old habits. You slowly begin to climb back to your comfort zone inside the tent where you can eat what you want, sleep later instead of exercising, drink a bottle of wine instead of just a glass, without the awareness that all of these actions actually make you feel worse. 

Reaching a goal is not a straight shot, the path can be windy and uncomfortable, it can be up and down, the progress can seem slow, but as you look back you are able to see progress even if they are baby steps. 

How do you take baby steps?

1. Find small goals within the big goal. Use the smaller goals to direct your actions. Be sure to celebrate each baby step by looking back and seeing your progress. 

2. Become the person who would be on the other side. What would they say, how would they act? Which habits would they have in their life? What would they believe?

3. Remember that God is there for every step even when it isn't perfect. Through prayer you will gain the strength to overcome obstacles and move forward even when the path in front of you is bumpy and unclear. 

Taking the first step requires faith by believing in the impossible and realizing that you are stronger than you ever thought possible.  

"For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

Matthew 17:20-21


Jennie is a Catholic Life Coach, Podcaster, Speaker and founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. She equips and encourages middle-life moms to reconnect in their faith by breaking spiritual strongholds so they can finally lose the weight they've struggled with for years, to reconnect in their marriage and to discover where God is calling them in this new season of life.